Coach, Consultant & Author
Executive Coaching and Individual Leadership Development

If the chemistry is right ...
... then I know we’ll be able to achieve good things together as a coaching team!
During almost 20 years in which I’ve been working as a coach I have seen the perception of coaching change significantly. Today it is something you do because your company or organisation believes in you and wants to offer you the most targeted and tailor-made personal development available.
The majority of coaching clients I work with have biographies similar to these:
- They are either well established, high performing senior executives who are looking to get even better at what they do and are often in a phase of taking on new tasks and greater responsibility.
- Or they are talented young managers with a strong development prognosis who have been offered specific and tailored support with their further development as managers and leaders.
In both cases, an ideal time for a coaching process is just before or at the start of a period of transition to a new position or specific new challenge. With this in mind, the series of half-day coaching sessions I offer are typically a mixture of two key elements:

Classical Coaching
Where we focus on aspects of behavioural style and personality which the coaching client would like to reflect upon and perhaps change and optimise, supported by an increase in self-awareness and the development of tools, methods and actions to ensure a more conscious and pro-active self-leadership.
Personalised Consulting
Where we focus on real situations from the coaching client’s daily work. We analyse these situations and challenges either retrospectively or prospectively and develop alternative ways to approach them. My role becomes that of a sparring partner, sounding board, plus coach and consultant, offering solution-oriented advice.
Paul helps people achieve their full potential!
CEO Health Care

Vita and Qualifications
- BSc. in Biological Sciences, University of London, UK
- 1982-1995 Various positions in International Business Operations, Marketing and General Management in Australasia, USA, the Middle East and Africa, Pharmaceutical Division, Bayer AG
- 1995-2002 Senior Human Resources and Management Development positions in International Business Operations and Global Research and Product Development, Pharmaceutical Division, Bayer AG
- Since 2003, Managing Partner, Paul Williams & Associates
- Certified Coach Practitioner® (BCO Cologne, Germany) – Systemic, solution-focussed Coaching
- Certified persolog® Interaction & Social Style Coach
- Certified reteaming® Coach
- Certified Conflict Dynamics® Coach
The Associates
Sometimes a project requires resources that go beyond those of a single person.
Paul Williams & Associates is a network of like-minded people, with varied but complementary skills and backgrounds, but a common spirit and sense of what is important in life in general and at work … and strictly in that order! We come together every so often on a project-driven basis and then return to our respective core businesses.
I have known and worked together with each of these people for many years and am happy to vouch for their integrity and the quality of their work with my own good name.

Andreas Krebs
Andreas is a natural leader, motivator and driver, experienced at the highest levels of management, with a broad international background and an unusually self-critical and reflective working style for such a senior manager. He has an extensive network in the health care industry and is the best stakeholder manager I know.
For further information:

Johannes Thönneßen
Johannes is an ideas man, unconventional, challenging, occasionally provocative and always looking for new ways of doing things. He has enormous experience in developing and implementing innovative organisational development systems and tools, is an expert in interpersonal communications and is also an excellent and prolific writer.
For further information:

Jörg Middendorf
Jörg is a changer, a people developer, never satisfied with the status-quo, forever looking for new methods and approaches to developing himself, other people and organisations as a whole. He is an acknowledged expert in the fields of coaching, conflict management and solution-focussed mediation and his knowledge base in both people and organisational development is second to none.
For further information:

Marcus Schmitz
Marcus Schmitz is a pioneer in the area of family-friendly organisations, with particular focus on fathers. He is author of a number of books and articles and has become a leading authority on the topic of demographic trends and their impact on the working environment. He also offers consulting in business and organisational development and is one of the most focussed and disciplined person I know – when he decides to do something, you can be sure it will happen!
For further information:

Ines Scharf
Ines Scharf is our multi-purpose Office Manager. She keeps us organized, whether it involves office duties, website administration, general communication, accounting, logistics or the all-important office chocolate supply ... when Ines is involved, it all works!
Contact her by email:
Paul Williams
Montessoristrasse 30A
40764 Langenfeld (Rheinland)
Telefon: +49 (0)172 7821934